Tobacco International expands into Africa with a new vision through its global brand Rebel

Tobacco International expands into Africa with a new vision through its global brand Rebel

13 May, 2021

Tobacco International Inc. will be spanning Africa with a new vision that intends to shift perspectives in the Tobacco Industry. After our global premium brand Rebel managed to get increasing attention and quick success in the market, we have focused on expanding on a larger scale in 2021, Africa being at the top of the list.

Our innovative, young company Tobacco International Inc. is entering Northern Africa, Southern Africa, and Central Africa with a completely new culture of smoking, keeping in sight the future of the market. Through our global brand Rebel, we are defying ordinary and paving the way for a new generation that keeps pace with the ever-evolving world we live in today.

Our mission and core features

Tobacco International Inc. is highly aware that the habit of smoking has long been practiced all around the globe. However, we also recognize that due to the changing nature of the world as a of result of globalization and the surge of social media, people have gained access to more insight on the tobacco manufacturing industry and have become better informed of the many facets of smoking and its effects. This is where our global brand Rebel stands out from the rest: we come with a brand new vision and a pioneering strategy.

Atef Hazime, Founder of Tobacco International Inc. believes that smoking is a choice, one that our smokers consciously make, and like any choice of consuming a certain product, moderation remains essential. Therefore, he understands that it is our responsibility to reciprocate our consumers’ choice with high-quality, carefully-manufactured products. As a result of our deeply embedded partnership with Dunes Tobacco Corporation, we have jointly curated the finest tobacco, but most importantly, we have selected the perfect environment for manufacturing our products, the United States of America, where the optimal quality control and cutting-edge technologies are guaranteed. We are adamant about ensuring meticulous performance and diligent supervision of all the mechanisms, countless steps, and details that come into play in the making of the final product. By defying ordinary, Rebel provides solely remarkable, premium quality pure tobacco blends, including an old-fashioned Virginia blend, which caters to the needs of our consumers and exceeds their expectations.

Through our global brand Rebel, Tobacco International Inc. is reintroducing original premium American tobacco products in the global market in a secure and affordable way. Indeed, we have successfully managed to transfer products that are originally manufactured in the United Stated of America to this part of the world, which has not been done in around 30 years.

Our end result is not narrowed down to just selling tobacco products like any other business; our mission aims to create long-term emotions within our brand alongside long-term change. By defying ordinary, our global brand Rebel represents a social product that aspires to make a change at the heart of Africa, for we fundamentally believe in the importance of giving back. We will contribute in the potential strengthening and uplifting of our African community; large portions of our revenues will be going to the schooling and educational systems, housing, medical clinics and so forth, with the aim of better countering poverty in the region.

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